Beauty and wellness tips to beat the heat
With the hot weather from the past few days, it is easy to put our usual wellness and beauty routines to the side in favor of whatever is easier and cools us down. However, as Modern College students know, there are things that can be done that are easy and actually help to keep you cool in the heat and humidity. Here are some tips that esthetics students and hairstyling students live by.
Stay Hydrated:
Drink water. Then, when you’ve drank that water, drink more water. Not only is hydration essential for your physical health and the health of your skin, but it is also incredibly important to keep hydrated when we are sweating more in warmer weather. Being hydrated can help to avoid heat-related illnesses, such as heat or sun stroke. It can also actively treat symptoms for ailments such as headaches. Hydration also promotes several everyday benefits for your skin and general well-being.
Sun protection:
Wearing a daily face cream with SPF protection is a great idea; this is one tip that students at esthetics colleges use as the foundation for their morning beauty routines. If you are going to go out to enjoy some hot summer weather, it is very important to take your daily facial sun protection routine to the rest of your body. Most experts will advise to apply sun protection 30 minutes before exposure and to choose a product that offers at least SPF 30 or higher. In the past few years, some experts have been suggesting a minimum of SPF 50.
Pool Hair:
Many people enjoy the poolside where they can jump in for a quick cool off in the hot weather. Hairstyling students know that this can create many problems for your mane if you don’t know how to treat it after getting out of the water. Most hairstylists will suggest avoiding chlorine when possible; however, if this isn’t an option, rinsing the chlorine out of your hair as soon as possible with untreated water is a must. It was once thought that this rinse was only necessary for blonde hair, but hairstyling students know that this is a must for everyone. Rinsing the harsh chemicals out of your hair can help to keep it healthy and avoid drying it out, causing it to weaken and break.
With that said, enjoy the hot weather during the next few weeks and remember these tips to beat the heat while keeping your beauty and hair routines in check.