Hair salons are a place of transformation, relaxation, and creativity – often on both sides of the chair!

Whether you’re a client looking to refresh your look or a stylist working to bring a client’s vision to life, a positive and respectful environment is key to making every appointment a resounding success.. 

In this post, we’ll explore a few essential etiquette tips for clients as well as some suggestions for aspiring hairstylists which, when paired together, will help ensure an atmosphere of mutual respect and professionalism.

Client Etiquette

Everyone’s been to the hairdresser before, but how many of us have thought about how we behave when we visit our stylist? We might not consider it, but our time at the salon might impact the way other people’s appointments go (and the same for how our time is affected by clients who arrived before us).

Below are some of the top tips for clients to ensure they get the most out of their appointment 

Arriving on Time

Punctuality is an essential courtesy when visiting a hair salon – or any other appointment, for that matter. 

Arriving on time ensures that your appointment starts and stops in the timeslot your stylist expected, allowing them the space they need to work their magic. If you’re running late, please try to let them know beforehand. It can help them prepare or maybe even squeeze in another client before you arrive.

Additionally, if you show up really late, your stylist might feel rushed or frustrated. Respecting their schedule helps keep everything on track and it also helps ensure that you won’t be stuck waiting when you arrive if everyone tries to respect their slots before you too!

Clear Communications

When it comes to achieving the hairstyle you want, clear communication is key. 

During your booking, hairstylists will typically ask you what you’re looking for and this is your opportunity to be as open as possible. Explain your preferences, any concerns you might have, or conditions for your hair or scalp that have changed since your last visit.

Sometimes, for particular styles, having photos on hand can help your stylist visually understand what you are going for. This could be particularly helpful for student stylists who have less first-hand knowledge of all the styles out there.

Also, if you have any sensitivities to certain products, it might be worth mentioning those upfront. No one knows your hair and scalp better than you!

Respecting the Stylist’s Expertise

Stylists typically go through extensive hairstyle training before working in the beauty industry. Your stylist is likely an expert when it comes to understanding the differences between hair types and textures, as well as having insights into the latest trends and preferences.

While it’s good to show up with lots of your own ideas, it’s also important that you trust the person doing the work. Their professional judgment might be able to help steer you towards styles that work better for you, or to give recommendations and similarities based on what you’re asking.

Importantly, not everything you want will always be achievable, and it comes down to your stylist to inform you of what is possible and is not. Letting them make decisions like this can often lead to surprising, as well as satisfying, results.

Consideration for Other Clients

Salons are shared spaces.

When we go, we might like to think we’re the only ones there, but there’s often plenty who walk through those doors before, during, and after our own appointments. Because of this,it’s important to be considerate of other clients sharing the space.

This could include trying to keep our phone usage to a minimum, not blasting music or videos on it while others are having their hair cut, or maybe even postponing calls until you’re done or outside. 

Stylist Etiquette

While hairstylists might be the masters over their own sections of every salon, most stylists also understand the need for certain rules of professional etiquette to be followed. 

If you’re just starting out in the beauty industry, here are a few pointers to follow.

Professional Communication

As a hairstylist, effective communication with your clients is crucial for making every appointment a success.

Actively listening during the consultation can help you understand their vision and expectations. Be sure to ask plenty of questions to help clarify what they are looking for before starting your work. This will help build good rapport with them as well as helping ensure there are no surprises once you show them the results in the mirror!

Managing Time Effectively

Efficient time management is a key component of any successful business or workplace – doubly so for ones that work primarily on appointments!

In the same way that you’ll want your clients to be on time and alert you of any delays, you’ll want to do the same from your end. Start appointments on time when needed and know when the next one comes in. If you’re running late, it never hurts to let them know so there are no surprises when they get in.

Ultimately,  managing your time well ensures that you can give each client the attention they deserve and the results they crave.

Creating a Comfortable Environment

Salons are supposed to be fun and relaxing for clients. As a stylist, you can help contribute to this atmosphere by ensuring your workspace is clean and organized. Having refreshments on hand, a good waiting area, and other little comforts can also go a long way.

Checking in with your client throughout the appointment is also a good call, to make sure they’re feeling comfortable and still excited where things are going. Little things like this can help create a more positive atmosphere and make your own time more enjoyable too!

Handling Difficult Situations with Grace

Not every appointment will go perfectly, and sometimes you may encounter challenging situations. Learning how to deal with them politely and professionally is key to winning those customers back and maintaining your own sanity on busy days.

If a client has issues with how the appointment went, it’s usually best to listen to their concerns, acknowledge any misunderstandings, and offer solutions to help make things right. Sometimes it might just be something you can fix easily, or even reassure the client about (especially if it’s a new look for them).

You might not be able to win everyone back – some clients are just having terrible days and will never be happy – but not letting it get to you can help ensure you stay focused on the next appointment and keep providing the great service you want to be known for.

Encouraging Client Feedback

Feedback is a valuable tool for professional growth.

At the end of every appointment, don’t be shy – ask your client if they’re satisfied with the service and if there’s anything else they might be looking for. Most people tend to say just a few words but  be prepared to receive the occasional burst of constructive criticism or feedback. 

Caring about your client’s feedback and adjusting your own professional approach when it’s warranted can help you reinforce good practices for future clients or appointments. 


At the end of the day, hair salon etiquette is a shared responsibility between clients and stylists. Both parties can contribute to a positive, respectful, and enjoyable salon experience. 

Whether you’re a client visiting for a haircut or a stylist providing a service, good etiquette ensures that everyone leaves the salon feeling satisfied and valued. 

If you’re an aspiring hairstylist eager to learn more about client relations and professional conduct, Modern College offers comprehensive programs designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to excel in the beauty industry. Reach out to us to learn more about the course we offer!